Dear Friends
30 March

We can see the people in the evacuation centers on TV.
Surprisingly, all of them who replied to the interview of TV told about almost the same contents.
"I'm fine. I'm ok. I'm safe. Don't worry about me. I can't contact with my family. Please let me know if you find my family".
And they were worring about others.
But we can easily notice that these people look pale and tired.

Why does TV ask them about their lack of daily life ?
It's easy to imagine their needs.
We must simulate our daily life on our mind.
In fact, many of them don't have teethbrushes, clothes and foods.
But almost of them don't complain about it.
Many of them lost their parents, children, houses, jobs and hometowns.
They must be overwhelmed by the sense of loss.

When I lost my son, Job's word came up on my mind.

Naked I came from my motherfs womb,
and naked I will depart.[a]
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
may the name of the LORD be praised.
Job 1:21 (New International Version, c2011)

And at the same time, next word came up on my mind.

And he also had seven sons and three daughters.
Job 42:13 (New International Version, c2011)

Do you think Job's story came to a happy end ?
I don't know what Job felt.
But it's may not that Job's story came to a happy end.
Job's new children had never replaced the children Job lost.
I think that Job had kept his mind on his lost children.
For me, no one can replace my lost son too.
But I know that my son is sleeping in the arms of God.
I have a hope.
We can someday see each other.

We know many people who lost each important things are depressed now.
What they need now the most must be the hope from God.

Pray to God for all the people who are now depressed by this disaster.

I got to Sendai Railroad Station. Photos are below.

Shinji Nagashima

From Sendai1

Fron Sendai2

From Sendai3

From Sendai4

From Sendai5

From Sendai6

From Sendai7

From Sendai8

From Sendai9